Our Services

We give you the opportunity to feel the real atmosphere of the city, knowing Rome through the eyes of those who live in Rome every day and really loves it! And you'll live together with them the daily events of this incredible city!

Moreover, we also offer the opportunity to consider Rome as your homebase, and from there to start exploring other cities, villages, perhaps less known by tourists, but really special and extraordinary!

We also want to introduce you to the Italian natural heritage: if you want, you can spend days in some beautiful lake or mountain rivers, practicing sports such trekking, biking, kayaking or canoeing, or go to the beach or skiing in winter. 

The form of organization is very simple, but very well managed and effective:
- You will stay in comfortable and well furnished rooms, usually in apartment shared with an another person from Rome that will be friendly and willing to spend time with you around Rome. .
- During your stay in Italy, Rome will be your home base. But we will offer you a wide variety of opportunities for visits and for one or two days tours, around the central part of Italy. You'll decide if and which of these tours you will want to join.
- During your trip, one or two people (with a long experience in travel management and groups management) will be available and happy to accompany you in Rome and in the other cities. You'll decide day by day, when you want or not their presence in all the organized visits and activities!

Anyway, all the transportation, even in Rome, will be organized by us!

A very important aspect for us is that our services can be affordable for everyone! So, if you are curious and interested, contact us! We'll explain you everything in details!


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