Your stay in Rome

You will receive all the informations about historical and cultural places

You'll have time for visiting all the historical places, but you'll have also the opportunity to visit, with your own personal “local guides”, all the caratheristic neighborhoods, corners, streets and markets, usually unknown to the tourists.

Always with your personal “local guides” (if you wish) you'll be taken in those bars, restaurants, places, that only locals know and where they usually love to spend even their evenings. Spending time in the best clubs and places, you'll discover how the normal daily life in Rome is!

Everynight we'll select for you the best live concerts, street events, underground shows in Rome and, if you wish, we'll take you there!

In addiction, if you are interested, you can partecipate in some of the current group activities that we usually like to follow: urban organic gardening in Rome, or rural activities like olive harvest or natural garden maintenaince in the countryside nearby Rome, or even trekking trips with organised grups, hiking trails exploring the outskirts of Rome.

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